Tag Archives: studs

Envelope me.

8 Oct

Some of you might have seen on Facebook already that I attended the Fashioncamp here in Vienna. It’s not a fashion camp per se but a conference for lifestyle bloggers. There were lectures on SEO and responsible consumerism as well as DIY workshops. Guess where I was all the time?! DaWanda, an online platform for all things handmade, did a workshop on envelope bags and I made 4. Just because they were so easy and fast to make and I felt much more comfortable talking to people while my hands were busy.


It always surprises me that there are so many bloggers directly around me that I haven’t even heard of. While making the envelope bags I got to know at least a few of them.


All you need is:

– leather
– scissors
push button
– permanent marker, studs, thread & needle
– envelope_bag_template
– pencil
– jewelry glue

Cut out the envelope_bag_template and draw it on the on the back of the leather with the pencil. Cut the leather out as well.


Decorate it while it is still flat. I added studs on 2 of the envelope bags, drew dots on another and embroidered the forth with arrows like here.


Fold the left and right corner in and glue them together at the tip. Add some more glue to the bottom triangle and fold it up.


Fold the top down and punch a whole with a needle where the push button will be and add the push button.


Now it’s all done. Depending on your decoration the whole bag will only take about 15 mins.


This one was the first I made and I added the studs after I made the whole bag. A big mistake! You don’t really have to make it that hard for you!


And here my whole selection of envelope bags that I made. They are a cute little present too. Or a gift wrapper that could be reused as bag.


Now. Carry on!